Contacting The Philosopher's Stone

Here at The Stone we welcome any messages from visitors to the site. We want to hear from readers with comments on the content of the site; promotional people with events to publicise; weird people with stoned ideas for our weird stuff page; creative people with contributions of articles, book reviews, artwork or photography for publication; and extremely wealthy people with budgets to spend on advertising.

Of course if you don't fall into any of those categories we still want to hear from you as running a web site without any feedback can be a bit like looking at the stars and wondering if there is anybody out there, or even if the stars are there at all. (Didn't Dr. Dee say something a bit like that?)

To contact us direct please use the form below.

Please tell us your name, you don't have to but, you know, it's only polite.
If you want a reply then you'll have to supply an email address.
Email Address: 
Give us some idea of what your message is all about.


Alternatively you can join the Philosopher's Stone Forum. We have set up a Yahoo Group with the intention of notifying visitors to The Stone when new content has been uploaded. You can also use this to discuss matters you have read or would like to see covered on The Stone. Anything you post to The Forum will be circulated to all of the subscribers after it has been approved by the moderator. New material doesn't appear on The Stone too frequently, as we are quite choosey about what we publish, so you won't get lots of spam from us. Simply send an email to the address on the right and you will receive an invitation to join.

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Visitors since Jan 01 2006